Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I went to my first class at a local Yoga Studio last Saturday.

I got some coupons for Christmas (I asked for them), and I finally got around to going. I had done yoga informally for a long time, mostly using videos and books, but I had never been to an actual studio.

I loved it!

The session was called "Yoga Basics", so it assumed some experience, but was not too advanced. It was 75 minutes of continuous movement, and became very strenuous for me. I was sweating like crazy by the end of it, and I left feeling like I had both a good workout and a relaxing meditative session. I think it is the feeling of relaxed invigoration that makes yoga different from other forms of exercise.

It was a lot different from doing it on my own, as the instructor kept everyone focused and moving, with no rest. Noone was listening to their mp3 players during this class! I really enjoyed it, and my muscles still feel worked, but not strained.

I really think yoga has a great ability to keep you healthy, in many ways. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, and predates most surviving forms of medicine.

My only regret is that I did not pursue a more formal practice years ago.